Thursday, July 13, 2017

S.R. City Council Agenda, July 18th


Once again, thanks to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Concerned Citizens For Santa Rosa, for this analysis of next week's City Council agenda:

Dear Friends: This report lack links to staff reports because I'm writing it on Thursday evening, before the links are available.

   There is no Study Session before the 4PM meeting.

  12.3 Request for authorization for a One Bay Area Grant 2 for 2 things: 1) pavement rehabilitation for various streets; and 2) for the design of the Highway 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge planned to arch over 101 between the Junior College Area and the west side of 101.   The intended purposes for the bridge are to facilitate safe connections between west and east (the freeway underpasses have been found wanting for those not in cars) and to make available lower cost west-side housing to those (including JC students) who work and study on the east side of the freeway.

  14.3 Contract Agreement with Employee units Representing Executive Management, Middle Management and Confidential Staff. It's a 3-year contract with a 3% salary increase in year one, 1.3% in year 2 and 2.25% in year 3, for a total of 6.5% increase over 3 years.  The total cost for the next fiscal year is $588,164.00, to come from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance.

  14.4 Two Year Contract with Police and Fire Management units.  Total cost is $163,971 to come from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance.

No Public Hearings.

See you there!   Anne

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