Friday, April 24, 2015

East Portland Action Group Teleconference Audio File, Thursday, April 23rd


Thanks to the Health Action Coalition for arranging for an excellent teleconference last evening with the organizers and staff of the East Portland Action Group.  Here is a link to the content of the meeting.

EPAP Teleconference

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Reimagining CitiBus Public Planning Workshop next Wednesday


Please join Santa Rosa CityBus for a Public Planning Workshop for the Reimagining CityBus project!  The workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 29, from 5:00-7:00pm in the Forum Room at the downtown Library (just two blocks from the downtown Transit Mall at 211 E Street).  The workshop will incorporate a hands-on transit planning activity that will enable participants to identify their priorities for redesign of the transit system and work with some of the key trade-offs involved.  Spanish interpretation will be provided.  More information on the Reimagining CityBus project can be found at

CityBus has also released a short Priorities and Trade-offs Survey to help identify priorities for the transit system redesign and determine how people feel about some key trade-offs in transit service planning.  The survey is available in English at and in Spanish at  If you would like to work with CityBus to distribute this survey in hard copy, please get in touch with Rachel Ede at 707-543-3337.

Roseland Area Projects Steering Committee First Meeting Video


Here is the recording (poor sound, no real video) of the first meeting of the Roseland Area Projects Steering Committee which met on Wednesday, April 22nd, at the Sheppard Elementary School Gymnasium.  It was a good meeting, with many residents present and participating, asking lots of excellent questions of the Santa Rosa City staff and consultants.  Here is a link to the list of Steering Committee members, the agenda for the first meeting, and the RAP website established on the City's website.

2015-17 Council Goals Workplan Adopted, Tuesday, April 21, 2015


On Tuesday, the Santa Rosa City Council adopted its 2015-17 Council Goals Work Plan.  In it, were the following goals:

Implement Open Government Task Force Recommendations
Goal                                                                    Resp Depts                            Date Completed
Hire Director of Community Engagement          CMO                                       SEP 2015
Create Mission Statement, Vision and Values   CMO                                       MAR 2016
Adopt Sunshine ordinance                                 CA/CMO                                 MAR 2016
Adopt Roseland Annex Agreement with Co       CD                                          APR 2016
Update website                                                   IT                                            JUN 2016
Adopt a spec plan/EIR for Southwest SRosa     CD                                          SEP 2016
Start annex processes for Roseland Annex       CD                                          OCT 2016
Develop workplan for other County areas,
evaluate costs,, and bring to Council                  CD                                          BEYOND 18 MO.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20th, City Council Agenda Review


Anne Seeley, from Concerned Citizens, and I have collaborated on this week's agenda review:

There's a 3PM Study Session: 3.1 Review of Local Purchase Preference.  The Council will receive information on the legalities and practical considerations of perhaps increasing the preference for local businesses to provide goods and services of many types to the City.

In many contracts the Council considers, there's a service provider from Denver or San Diego or some other area outside Sonoma County, when local providers are available.  When the contractors are local, the funding they receive stays local in the form of wages paid, local goods bought and local people employed.  There's a "multiplier effect" in which the money recirculates many times locally and benefits the community.

The Council will receive the information, likely ask questions and consider any changes at a later date.

4:00PM Meeting
There are the usual Mayor's and Council members' reports, and a few Consent items.  One of interest is: 

11.3 Resolution - Community Engagement Director Classification. SRT Steering Committee members have been working with City staff to develop the job description for this proposed position, and will be there to thank the City for its followthrough on this recommendation of the Open Government Task Force. 

and then:

13.1  2015-2017 Council Goals Work Plan - This agenda item summarizes the City's Planning Workshop held in February.  Open Government is included with a timeline as is Annexation.   SRT's Open Govt. and Annexation subcommittees will review, and report on the work Plan at our next Steering Committee (4/30)

13.2 Proposition 84 Grant Funding - Agreement with the State Water Resources Control board (SWRCB) for grant funding of infrastructure to connect 4 properties with contaminated water supplies to the Santa Rosa Water system.  It's for 3 Mobile Home Parks and one apartment complex. The Board of Public Utilities recommends approval.

At the end of the Agenda is the List of the topics for future meeting agendas:
UPCOMING MEETINGS (Note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change pending final publication and posting of the City Council Meeting Agenda)
April 28 No Meeting
May 5 No Meeting
May 12 Study Session - Review of 2015/16 Department Budget Requests, Capital Improvement Program Funding Requests and Community Promotions Funding Requests
      Staff Briefing – City Hall Demonstration Garden Project Update 
      Public Hearing – Russell Avenue Street Vacation – 655 Russell Avenue 
      Public Hearing – Authorizing Submission of the 2015/2016 Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 
      Public Hearing – Amendment of Stage 1 – Mandatory of the City’s Urban Water Shortage Contingency Plan 
May 19
      Study Session – Continued Review of 2015/16 Department Budget Requests, Capital Improvement Program Funding Requests and Community Promotions Funding Requests
      Study Session – Review of Homeless Services and Responses
      Report – CalPERS Contract Amendment for Cost Sharing
May 26 No Meeting
June 2
      Study Session – Actuarial Review of City Pension Plans
      Public Hearing – Smoking Regulations Update
June 9
      Study Session – Homeless Services and Responses
      Report – 12th Amendment to Fir Ridge Development Holding Agreement
      Report – Santa Rosa Tourism Business Improvement Area Annual Report
      Report – Memorandum of Understanding Between the California Department of Transportation and The Southeast Greenway Community Partnership
June 16-18 Budget Hearings and Adoption
June 23 No Meeting
June 30 Pending: Report - Consideration of CaliforniaFIRST, CaliforniaHERO and FigTree Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing

If you want a fuller look, see the City's website at, click on the header bar that says 'Government' and in the column of listings on the right, you'll see 'Council Agendas and Videos' highlighted.  When you click there, you'll see the list of agendas.
Take this opportunity to check out all that's available on the website.  There's a lot!

See you there!   Anne & Gregory

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Roseland Annexation Islands & Neighborhood Center Uses


A day which saw Sonoma County and the City of Santa Rosa moving toward agreement on the costs and revenue of Roseland Annexation, also revealed two other important news items.

In the Joint County/City meeting early in the day, several speakers from the small islands raised their objections to being annexed.  Citing the rural nature of their properties and lifestyles, Rena Raditch said she wanted her West Hearn community to remain rural.  She feared the zoning changes annexation would impose.   Rena Raditch summed it up with a question.  "Is there any way that we can bridge the reality of how we want to keep our living, and keep you guys happy with incorporating us?"    Chuck Regalia, Santa Rosa's Community Development Director, indicated that this effort was being undertaken with every intent to try to create zoning designations which support continuation of their lifestyles.  Backing up that assertion, Mayor Sawyer indicated that such creativity would not be limited to the islands.  "Much of what occurs in the heart of Roseland has such deep value to the community, we have to pay attention to that".

Later that day, at the County's Roseland Village Neighborhood Center meeting at the County Community Development Commission office, its Advisory Committee heard that the present shopping center site was open to use by nonprofit organizations upon request.  Indicating the variety of informal uses currently, staff encouraged applications from community groups who partner with such nonprofits and contact them.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Thursday, April 9th, Joint County/City Roseland Annexation Committee Meeting


In his packed conference room on Thursday, Mayor Sawyer and Councilmember Combs, with Supervisors Zane and Carrillo attending, the long-awaited meeting of the minds seemed to occur.   Moving through an agenda of reports from staff, the moment came when Chuck Regalia suggested to Veronica Ferguson that a response from the County on the City’s cost analysis would be helpful in the next two months.  Prompted by a tribute to the City’s hard work by Supervisor Carrillo, the County Administrator identified a few issues which she said needed some collaborative meetings between key city and county staff.  Agreeing on how welcome the news from the City was, she then suggested that it might be time for the County to just accept the report, and move on to the discussion of how we move forward to close the deficit.  Councilmember Combs looked across the table and told her "You can't understand how happy hearing those words makes me".  I’ve seldom seen so much joy in a meeting as a result.  Mayor Sawyer commented, “After years of discussing this, we know what not to do.”  Responding to Supervisor Zane's insistence that they not delay, plans were then made to task their staff with clearing up the remaining questions so the Committee could meet again before summer recesses.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Steering Committee, Roseland Area Projects, April 7th City Council Meeting.


The Roseland Area Projects Steering Committee has been identified in the staff report accompanying Item 14.1 on the April 7th Santa Rosa City Council Meeting.  It can be found at the following link:

Membership Roster, Santa Rosa Roseland Area Projects Steering Committee

Of the fifty-four proposed members, twenty-eight are area residents.  Sixteen are business or landowners, and nine work in the area.  Thirty-seven either live, work, or own or operate a business in the area.  The seventeen additional members represent a large number of community groups actively working in support of the area's interests.

At the meeting on April 7th, Council members will be asked to "waive Council Policy 000-06 regarding appointments to Boards / Commissions / Committees and confirm the initial Steering Committee member list for the Roseland Area/Sebastopol Road Specific Plan and Roseland Area Annexation projects, allowing for the addition of new members as needed throughout the process."


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Steering Committee for Roseland Area Projects, April 7th City Council Meeting

The City Council will receive the names of those who are recommended to serve on the Steering Committee for the Roseland Annexation/Sebastopol Road Specific Area Plan at their regular Council meeting on Tuesday, April 7th.  Item 14A on the Council's agenda requests the waiver of a Council appointment policy to allow for the enrollment of Steering Committee members on a rolling basis, and to confirm the initial member list.  Link to the Agenda is here.

Joint City/County Roseland Annexation Committee Meeting, April 9th at 1:30pm, Mayor's Conference Room (10)


The next meeting of the newly-appointed representatives of Santa Rosa and the County of Sonoma to the Joint City/County Roseland Annexation Committee will be held on Thursday, April 9th, at 1:30pm, in the Mayor's Conference Room (Room 10) at City Hall (100 Santa Rosa Ave).  Here is the agenda.