S.R. Website Redesign


The following report will be given to the Santa Rosa City Council on the progress of the City Website at its December 1st Council meeting:

The srcity.org site redesign project completed its first round of community feedback leading to development and issuance of a request for proposals (RFP). The RFP opened for public bids on October 15th through our online bidding portal, with an expected closing date of mid-November. A RFP evaluation team comprised of staff, members of the community and a council member will review the responses during late November through December, resulting in a bid award expected towards the end of December or early January. The process will include a second round of public input and an anticipated website launch of mid to late 2016.


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  2. Two additional opportunities to become involved in the work of changing city operations are the planning processes being undertaken to "Reimagining CityBus" and the modifications to the City's Website. SRT will be forming and supporting committees for those interested in this work, and you can learn more by clicking on SRT Committee tabs just below the bottom edge of this blog's calendar above. Mike reported that a meeting is being held with the City on April 16th at the Finley Center concerning the "Reimagining CityBus" campaign. Gregory reported that recruitment has begun among digital social media and website design groups for the second committee. Jon Udell, guest "Close to Home" columnist in today's Press Democrat (Open Government is a Two-Way Street), has agreed to serve. Contacts are also being made to SSU and SRJC Digital Media Department staff, as well as WIMP (Web & Interactive Media Professionals).
