With appreciation to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Concerned Citizens For Santa Rosa:
With appreciation to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Concerned Citizens For Santa Rosa:
Friends: This is a key meeting. The two issues of importance here are 1) rent stabilization options in response to our large homeless population; and 2) Courthouse Square Reunification Designs.
There's a Study Session on Rent Stabilization Options. City staff and consultants will review Council options for the implementation of Mediation/Arbitration, Just Cause for Eviction and Rent Stabilization in Santa Rosa. Staff and consultants are looking for Council direction on any gaps in the necessary information for use in a later Council meeting. The first link below is for the general presentation. The 2nd is a more in-depth comparison of different approaches. It's long, but it's important stuff. Study Session Attachment
5PM Public Hearings
14.1 Marshhawk Rezoning
Council Dinner Break
15.1 Master Plan for the Courthouse Square Reunification Project (CSR to me). On 11/3/15, the Council approved the basic guidelines for Courthouse Square, approved the public outreach process for the square's interior design and delegated to the City Manager the authority to select a consultant team.
There have been two public meetings, both very well attended. In the last public meeting, two main designs were presented. You've read in the PD of the emphasis by speakers of saving the trees and about how much parking is needed. Below are links to the staff presentation, and then the two designs they will be considering. Finally, there are mitigation measures. CSR Presentation Option 1 Option 2 Mitigation Measures
20.1 Upcoming meetings:
I'll see you there! Anne