Anne Seeley provides us the following look at what's coming up at tomorrow's City Council meeting:
Anne Seeley provides us the following look at what's coming up at tomorrow's City Council meeting:
Dear friends:
As you read in today's paper, starting with Tuesday's Council meeting, you will be able to speak to the Council at 2 times on matters not on the agenda (those on the agenda are open already to public comment). The first is as close to 5 PM as possible after Consent items have been heard. If they're in the middle of this part of the agenda, the Mayor will stop Consent discussion and hear 30 minutes of public comment.
Later, after Report items, there will be another chance. So lots of time.
History: Public Appearances were long held at the beginning of the meeting, but in recent years, the time was hijacked by a persistent group of people with complaints to the Council about nation-wide questions such as demanding that the Council write to Congress to revoke the legislation that allowed the invasion of Iraq. The Council responded by moving the public speaking time to the end of the agenda, which worked strongly against local people being able to speak to the Council at a reasonable time.
This timing of Public Appearances is provisional; they are going to try it.
Study Session on Taxicab Driver Requirements. This is mainly about requirements for controlled substance testing. There are currently 23 franchises, 53 approved vehicles and 119 approved drivers in Santa Rosa.
7.1 Proclamation: Women's History Month
10.3 Mayor's and Council members's reports
10.3.1 The Council may vote to appoint new members of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the Board of Regulations Appeals.
Consent. There are 2 items.
Public Appearances.
No Report items
5PM Public Hearing
15.1 Smith Village/Pantoja Lane Rezoning. This is at the west end of Sebastopol Road. The request is to remove requirements for mixed use on the northern edge and elimination of 34 of 40 Second Unit dwellings (Granny units). They propose instead that granny units be built over garages.
See you there! Anne
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