Monday, April 30, 2018

S.R. City Council Agenda - May 2nd


Once again, our thanks to our friend Anne Seeley, of Concerned Citizens For Santa Rosa, for her analysis of the May 2nd City Council agenda.

Friends:    There is no Study Session before this 4PM meeting.

6 Proclamations and Presentations
  6.1  Proclamation of Water Awareness Month and Water-Use Efficiency Awards.   This is great recognition for people and businesses who have gone to extra lengths to save water.

  14.2 Approval of the Preliminary 2018/19 Subregional System Operating, Capital Improvement, Debt Services Budget and Allocation of Costs.
  The Subregional System, operated by the City of Santa Rosa by agreement, serves Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol and the South Park Sanitation District.  The Laguna Treatment Plant processes 21.34 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) of sewage into treated Water that is sent to the Geysers for injection to produce steam to run its power plants.
   Annually, the Santa Rosa Council considers the costs involved in order to notify member agencies of their allocations of costs by May 2.

5PM Public Hearings
  15.1 Resilient City Development Measures.  They meant to address this last week, but a group of very unhappy homeless people who had been evicted from their camp in Roseland effectively ended the Council meeting before this could be considered.
   After the fires, staff wrote this document to speed up the processing of projects through the City's Planning Department.  It initially really concerned me because it removed many proposals from the usual public review opportunities (Planning Commission and the Design Review Board) and gave many more final decisions to the Zoning Administrator, a person whom I'd never seen identified.
  After more review, I see that the projects removed from Design Review's oversight are more minor uses.  Any projects that rise to higher concern are supposed to be elevated to Planning Commission and DRB.  This is a weak point, in which one administrator gets to decide what's of concern.
    If any of you have greater concerns about this document than I do, please let me know.

See you there!   Anne

Anne Seeley
Please note my new email address:
Tel: (707) 526-3925
Mobile (707) 484-8722