Thanks to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Friends For Santa Rosa, for her analysis of this week's City Council agenda:
Thanks to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Friends For Santa Rosa, for her analysis of this week's City Council agenda:
Friends: Two important matters are before the Council on Tuesday:
3:00 PM First, a Study Session with the Planning Commisson on alternatives for the Southeast Greenway project. There are three alternatives for land use and circulation. The Council and Planning Commission are asked for feedback to guide the staff in preparing a preferred alternative. SE Greenway
14.1 Santa Rosa Housing Series Report #6
In early 2016 the City Council began a 6-part housing series addressing supply, affordability and other issues.
This part considers housing as economic development and presents a draft plan for priorities in the housing plan development.
Please take a look at the priorities presented. There are some odd choices, such as putting 'Amending the Hillside Ordinance' in the first priority, while some more easily obtainable goals are planned for next year. Prioritized Housing Plan 2016 Housing Plan Amend the Hillside Ordinance
I'll see you there!