Friday, May 27, 2016

SWSR Health Action Meeting, June 2nd, Santa Rosa Community Health Center

Hi Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder about our next SWSR Health Action Meeting on Wednesday, June 1st at 9:30am-11am. The meeting is being hosted by Santa Rosa Community Health Center. Below is the info. Vince Harper will send out the agenda next week.

Santa Rosa Community Health Center
Roseland Pediatrics
711 Stony Point Rd #17
Santa Rosa, California 95407
(In the corner of the mall, in the corner near goodwill)



Kim Nguyen
Community Engagement Specialist
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County
141 Stony Circle Suite 210
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
707-544-6911 ext. 1015 Agency Line
707-526-2918 Fax Number

S.R. Planning Commission Mtg, June 9th, Roseland Specific Plan

Mark your calendars!  A public hearing is scheduled for the Planning Commission meeting of June 9, 2016, at or after 4 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 Santa Rosa Avenue.  The Commission will take public comments on the following:

1.     Draft Environmental Impact Report;

2.     [endif]Draft Roseland Area/Sebastopol Road Specific Plan;

3.     Rezoning of incorporated areas for General Plan and Specific Plan consistency;

4.     Prezoning of unincorporated areas for General Plan and Specific Plan consistency; and

5.    Proposed General Plan, Downtown Station Area Specific Plan, Zoning Code and Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Amendments.

See attached Public Hearing Notice.

Please note, the Planning Commission will not be taking action on the draft documents and proposed amendments at the June 9th meeting, they will only be taking public comment and providing direction to staff.  Action will be taken (in the form of recommendations to the City Council) at a future meeting.

The following information was included in an e-mail I sent out on May 20, 2016, and is included again for anyone who may have missed that e-mail:

The Specific Plan is a planning level document that addresses land use, circulation and infrastructure needs for the area located around the Southside Bus Transfer Center in southwest Santa Rosa (see attached map), and was developed based on community input at four workshops over the last year.  As part of the project, and in order to implement the Specific Plan, amendments to the General Plan, Downtown Station Area Specific Plan, Zoning Code and Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan are proposed, as well as rezoning and prezoning of parcels.

The proposed Zoning Code amendments include the addition of proposed regulations to allow mobile food vending on private property along Sebastopol Road (between Stony Point Road and Olive Street), scenic road standards for Burbank Avenue, increased time for re-tenanting of nonconforming uses/businesses between Sebastopol Road and the Joe Rodota Trail, and a Rural Heritage (-RH) Combining District that would apply to the W. Hearn Avenue neighborhood.

The Draft EIR covers not only the Specific Plan, but the potential Roseland Area Annexation, which includes five unincorporated County islands in southwest Santa Rosa.  Please note, the annexation is not being reviewed at this time.  Should the City Council decide to proceed with annexation, the EIR will provide the necessary environmental review for the annexation application.  This portion of the annexation process only includes consideration of prezoning of the unincorporated areas. 

Hard copies of the Draft Roseland Area/Sebastopol Road Specific Plan and Draft EIR can be found at the following locations:

Roseland Community Library (779 Sebastopol Road)
Central Santa Rosa Library (211 E Street)
City of Santa Rosa’s Planning and Economic Development Department (100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 3)
City of Santa Rosa’s City Manager’s Office (100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 10)

Links to the electronic version of each document:

Thank you,

Sunday, May 1, 2016

S.R. City Council Agenda, May 3rd


Interesting items on the May 3rd City Council Agenda, thanks to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Concerned Citizens For Santa Rosa:

Friends:     This is likely to be a long meeting, since the issue of rent stabilization is to be discussed.  It starts with Study Sessions at 2:30 on:

  3.1 Create a Framework for a Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that Considers All City Assets

  3.2 Railroad Square - Downtown Shuttle./  The potential for a circulating shuttle from the SMART station and Railroad Square to Courthouse Square will be discussed.
      What a good idea!

4PM Regular Meeting

6 Proclamations and Presentations
  6.2 Proclamation - Water Awareness Month and Water Use Efficiency Awards.   I love this event every year, in which people who have been creative and diligent in their water savings are recognized.  They are truly amazing!

Approval of minutes.  I don't usually talk about these, but there was a Special Session of the Council held at the Hilton Hotel that you might find interesting.

14.1 Direction to Prepare a Rent Stabilization Ordinance and Adoption of an Urgency Rent Moratorium Ordinance.
     If a majority of Council members votes to direct staff to prepare a Rent Stabilization Ordinance, the Council Subcommittee further recommends that the Council adopt a Rent Stabilization Urgency Ordinance to prevent rental increases while the ordinance if being prepared.  The Urgency Ordinance would require the votes of 5 Council members.

  14.2 Community Feedback to the Community Advisory Board (CAB) on Capital Improvement Program projects as required by City Resolution 28174

Written Communications
16.1 Letter of Support for State Senate Bill 1053 (Leno) regarding Housing Vouchers.  

And Last:   a listing of subjects coming up in the future:

See you there!   Anne

Anne Seeley

484-8722 (cell)