Saturday, July 18, 2015

Santa Rosa City Council, July 22, 2015

Friends:  There is no study session before the 4PM meeting start.  

7.1 Quarterly Report of Settlements and Active Litigation.    The Council recently asked the City Attorney to report regularly in their public session about what legal activity is happening in her office.   It is quite extensive.

11.1 Cooperative Agreement with Sonoma County Transportation Authority (Yes!) for Fulton Road Improvements.  See below:

13.2 Council Goals Workplan.   The Council finalized their goals in February and today they'll prioritize their goals for the 2015/16 workplan.  This is in recognition that staff, with their reduced numbers, can't do all the preparation needed for everything at once.   See the list below:

There are no public hearings.

Upcoming Meetings:

I'll see you there!    Anne