Friday, February 20, 2015

Santa Rosa City Council Meeting, Tuesday, Feb 24th

Provided by our friend, Anne Seeley

There is a 3:30PM Study Session.  They'll hear an update on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Transportation projects: Farmers Lane Extension, Hearn Avenue Improvements and Stony Point Road Widening.  These are big-money items for which the City has been slowly socking away funds, to add to development impact funds.

10.4 Matters from Council members' requests for agendizing.  This is a new category on the Council's agenda.
        10.4.1 Councilman Schwedhelm requested a future agenda item on replica firearms.  They'll discuss whether to put this on a future agenda.
10.5.1 The Council will discuss placement of Public Appearances on the agenda.   This is a longterm controversy.

13.1 Open Data Initiative, as part of the City's efforts to expand Online services supporting government openness, accessibility and transparency.
The Information Technology Department is working with other City departments to make online data more available.  Some initial data sets: online crime information, government salary reports, business tax data, building permits and the City Budget.

13.2 Public Art Master Plan.  After many public meetings, the Art in Public Places Committee unanimously approved the plan.  They now recommend it for approval by the Council.

5PM   Public Hearing
14.1  Bennett Valley Golf Course Greens Fee Rates and Player Incentives.

See you there!    Anne