Sunday, December 4, 2016

S.R. City Council Agenda, Dec 6th


Thanks to our friend, Anne Seeley, of Concerned Citizens For Santa Rosa, for her analysis of this week's Santa Rosa City Council agenda:

Friends:    There is no study session before this meeting.  The biggest deal on this agenda is the seating of the Newly Elected Council members AND the election of Mayor and Vice Mayor.  Unfortunately, these come at the end of the agenda!

14.1 Santa Rosa Fund-to-Fund Loan to Acquire Agricultural Land at 7630-7650 Lakeville Highway.  This land is to be used for spreading biosolids that are left as the end-products after water is extracted and treated.
The City already has lands where they are spread, but they need more area.  See below for an explanation of the funding arrangement.

14.3 Resolution to Declare a Fiscal Emergency as a Result of Passage of State Proposition 64.   Because there will be costs related to regulation and because there are time limits ruling when local government can enact a taxation plan to pay for those costs, the Council is asked to declare this fiscal emergency in order to place on the March, 2017 ballot a measure to do just that.  Further explanation can be found below:

Council Dinner Break.

14.4 Termination of the CMedia Contract.   In January, 2014, the city entered into an agreement with CMedia to provide for the operation of Public Education and Government (PEG) access channels in exchange for City funding.
You've likely read in the Press Democrat about irregularities with spending leading to a full spending audit.  Read more below: 

14.5 Amendment to City Classification and Salary Plans for the City Attorney and the Water Department Director.  Due to an asserted need for the City to remain competitive for these currently vacant positions, the City Attorney's salary is to be increased from $202,800 annually to $222,800.  The same reason is cited for increasing the Water Director's salary from $181,450 to $190,523 annually.

17. Council Reorganization
   17.1 Declaration of the Results of the November, 2016 election, including election of 4 City Council members, as well as passage of the City's 2 ballot measures, N and O.
   17.2 Comments by Council members
   17.3 Administration of the Oath Of Office to the newly elected Council members; then the seating of the new members.
   17.4 Comments by Newly Elected Council members.
   17.5 Election of Mayor for a two-year term.
   17.6 Election of Vice Mayor for a one-year term

   17.7 Election of a Designated Presiding Officer to preside when neither Mayor nor Vice Mayor is in attendance.  Creating this as an elected position requires amendment of part of the Council's Manual of Procedures and Protocols.

See you there!    Anne

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